Title: Light Filtration Pairing: Kai/Kyungsoo Genre: fluff, smut Rating: nc-17 Length: 1.5k Summary: Because the way the sun threats through dark strands is worth waking up early for.
Title: The Stars Shine For Us Pairing: Kai/Kyungsoo Genre: romance, tragedy, smut, titanic!au Rating: nc-17 Length: 7k Summary: (Falling in love is kind of like falling off a boat.)
Title: Read Me Like A Book Pairings: Kai/Kyungsoo, side!hunhan, ninja!tao/xiumin Genre: fluff, romance, ouran high school host club!au Rating: pg-13-nc-17 Length: Threeshot (12k total) Summary: Damn, if only he had gotten out in time.
Title: Detention Pairing: Kai/Kyungsoo, side!Chanyeol/Dara, onesided!Kyunghun Genre: fluff, romance, humor, highschool!au Rating: nc-17 Length: 10k Summary: Kyungsoo never goes to detention. He absolutely hates it. Almost as much as he hates Byun Baekhyun, or loves Kim Jongin.
Title: Up, Up, and Away Pairings: Kai/Kyungsoo Genre: romance, fluff, smut Warnings: incest, age switch Length: 7k Summary: With a promise and new found love, two brothers make the most of it.
Title: Playing Into Love Pairing: Kai/Kyungsoo Genre: romance, smut Rating: nc-17 Length: 5k Summary: Kyungsoo has witnesses while Jongin doesn't. He just wonders how long it will be before Kyungsoo will say "I love you". Life is just a bunch of stolen kisses in the dark.
Title: Playing Into The Game Pairing: Kai/Kyungsoo Genre: angst, smut Rating: nc-17 Length: 3.8k Summary: Everything Kyungsoo does is because Jongin wants it. His life is one great instead, but everyone cracks eventually.